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Want more information on chihuahua's? Here are some helpful sites with more about them!

Before you get too hyped up about getting a Chihuahua puppy you may want to think about a few things first. Chihuahua puppies are very small, your going to have to get used to watching where you step and sit!  Making sure all the tiny little holes that may be in your fence (if you have a fenced yard) are patched up, no matter the size of your chihuahua theres always a chance they can make their way out into the dangerous road. It is always a great idea to go out and purchase a cat collar with a small bell on it so you will always know where you chihuahua is. Another thing is that when your chihuahua is a puppy he/she is going to need plenty of attention and for the first few days after you take your new puppy home will probably need to be watched. A excellent idea for your new puppy to be during the day, if you work or have to go somewhere, is to buy a childs play pen, just line the bottom with "Wee Wee Tranning Pads" a blanket, water and food. It gives them enough room move around and play, go to the bathroom and such. It's much better then keeping them in a crate all day. Another good idea is to make a Medical kit. Put togeather a box with a bottle of Childs Benadryl (used for bee stings and allergic reactions, call your vet for medication ammount) gause nail clippers, ect.
Chihuahua's get to be about 5-7 pounds, depending on the size of the parents.

this is a link to another great breeder